We recently designed, built, and delivered two drying plants that now operate in China and Eastern Europe.
The first treats rock wool in granular form (0-10 mm) which is fed into the dryer with a humidity of 10% and a flow rate of 6 tons/h. The product is treated with direct hot gases coming from a methane burner; the outgoing rock wool has a residual humidity of less than 1% with a discharge capacity of 5.5 ton / h (H2O evaporated 0.5 ton/h).
The second plant, on the other hand, treats calcium carbonate (CaCo3) with incoming humidity of 8%. The dryer is fed with 12 tons/h of wet material and discharges 11 tons/h of calcium carbonate with residual moisture ≤1% (1 ton/h evaporated H2O). Our dryers are equipped with continuous modulation burners which, thanks to suitably positioned thermocouples, can compensate for the physiological fluctuations in the humidity of the product being fed, ensuring consistency of the output characteristics and, if the percentage of water contained in the product is lower, they decrease the temperature with consequent fuel saving.