Our coaters are to be found in the paper industry and are used in lines for the production of paper and cardboard, for the coating, feed and spreading of the coating in a uniform way on the front and if required on the rear of the product.
The actual coating is achieved by a spreader roller; the application, which consists of reducing the excess coating, and uniform spreading are achieved by a rotating bar or a scraper blade.
It is possible to configure a single machine which uses a bar/blade alternately.
When using the blade option or the alternating bar/blade option, it is necessary to choose the “BLADE A/R” version, where it is possible to alter the “scrape” angle of the blade on the table, with the fulcrum at the point of contact.
When using the bar only option, it is necessary to choose the “VARIBAR” option. This version has the “scrape” angle of the bar to the table set in position.
Each version is available in dimensions suited to all table shapes produced in paper mills.
Technical docs
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